Using your boat, you will reach the island where the mission is located. You may also take on side quests as well, which will award you with extra life, currency, etcetera etcetera. Missions are not really complicated but they keep you moving and let you progress further in to the story. You are accepting a mission, using your ship, you need to reach the islands, kill the monsters, explore the dungeons, solve the puzzles, defeat the mini bosses and take your reward. The gameplay keeping the same game-loop from the first one. While you are exploring the semi-open word of Gaia, two companions will join your cause to finish the dark warlock once and for all. This extra dimension gives this game an AAA game feeling. When you booting up OC2, the first thing what hits you, is the massive graphical update, compared to OC1. Our mission is to unite the great nations of Gaia to defeat this monster. This dark army was summoned by the warlock called Mesmeroth, who was once defeated many-many years ago and returned to take revenge and destroy Gaia. Then the real threat appears, in the form of the steampunk-y robot warriors who just crashed in the nearby forest. The story sees you taking the role of a hero who just got knighted by his father, after the short prologue/intro. OC2’s story is probably the weakest point of the game. The story takes place a few thousand years before the first one, so we can actually call this a prequel. I know, most people comparing OC2 to Zelda, but I will not doing that in my review, as it has its own characteristics, and its own charm. Travelling between islands, solving dungeon puzzles with a new third person view on your Switch is just perfect. To be honest I knew, eventually they will releasing it on the Switch, as it’s a match made in heaven. I was shocked, how dare they, I asked, but then I’ve realized, the team behind OC and OC2 is quite small, and if they can make some extra money with the exclusivity deal, good on them. Then my excitement died quickly, when it was announced it’s going to be an Apple Arcade exclusive. When I heard Oceanhorn 2 will be released, I’ve got really excited. Travelling between islands, solving dungeon-puzzles, fighting off monsters was great fun, I have actually enjoyed it as much, I wanted to double dip with the Limited Run release, but unfortunately, I missed the initial release. Thanks god later the game was released for the Nintendo Switch, and boy, I enjoyed it a lot. A “console” without controller, using only the touch screen is very strange for me.

When Oceanhorn released first on android I skipped it, reason behind it. Travelling through islands and solving puzzles, in an “open world” map felt great.

I love Zelda, and before BOTW came, my favorite was Wind Waker.